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Re: Really Skeptical...
joesgirls3 Views: 4,308
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 169,603

Re: Really Skeptical...

Gemma, I understand your skepticism, I felt the same way. There are a lot of posts on this forum dedicated to this subject. The more I read through them, the more I found out that they really are a product of the liver and that there is no way that the body could develop such things overnight. I read that there are people who have done the cleanse exactly the way it is written out and did not develop the green substances the next day. I did my first liver cleanse a week ago, and I plan on doing another in two weeks and again two weeks after that. I've had so much more energy in the past few days that I have to accredit it to the cleanse. I can't wait to see what comes out later on. Keep us updated on your feelings. Cheers.



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