Really Skeptical...
Hi All,
I'm doing a
Liver Flush in preparation for the Master Cleanse, which I start tomorrow.
I've been using the
Hulda Clark e method.
This morning, after the actual flush last night, I've passed around 100 pebble-sized 'stones', which look like most of the pictures online here.
What I'm skeptical about is whether these are actually stones at all. I'm not squeamish at all, so I've really checked them out close up , crushed them between my fingers, etc... In all honesty, it appears to me that they're simply globules of the olive oil I drank last night (funny how they're the exact same colour...), slightly crystalised in the intestine with the combination of acids (grapefruit) and alkalines (Epsom/mineral salts) used in the flush. I don't think this stuff came from anywhere near my liver at all...
Can anyone help me on this one?
I know there are probably other posts about this already- even some links to them would be great.