Re: Urgent Public Notice The Legal Problem With MMS BINGO!
Hello Kevin,
Let's first address safety issues...
Dissolving 10 grams of sodium chlorite in 8
ounces of fluid will result in a very high concentration that is not stable, and can explosively activate upon contact with acids or in the presence of heat. You should spend a little more time discussing your mixtures with a chemist to keep yourself from getting into trouble. You are aware that spilling a small amount of that high a concentration can lead to fire, and it can be activated by stray exposure to sunlight...
Yes, the stomach does have HCl in it. That is why the various "stabilized oxygen" products have been so effective. You ingest a dilute sodium chlorite solution and it activates in the stomach.
MMS is sodium chlorite. The 22.4% concentration of sodium chlorite has a PH of around 12. A solution with a high PH is alkaline. The
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement protocol involves chlorous acid. You can duplicate the stomach upset by simply mixing up a normal dose, but leave the sodium chlorite out. Drinking high amounts of
citric acid also causes stomach distress and tastes awful. Chlorine dioxide works over a wide PH range, but chlorous acid needs to be acidic in order to work.
citric acid by itself is also capable of killing pathogens.
Your idea of the detoxification process is interesting. I think the reason people experience adverse effects is because they have increased the amount of chemicals that they are taking to the point where they are poisoning themselves. The body uses nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea to eliminate the poison from the body.
Taking a closer look at your idea about cyanide causing some of the detoxification symptoms, do you realize that chlorine dioxide is used to destroy cyanide? Either your idea about cyanide is off, or
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is not getting chlorine dioxide into the body.
Here is a paper on using chlorine dioxide to destroy cyanide.
Chlorine dioxide is an oxidant. It will oxidize anything that has free electrons. In order to kill pathogens you need to be able to get the right concentration into contact with the pathogen for a period of time long enough to kill it. One of the most important items in delivery is knowing how much you need to deliver. A lot of test data is available on what concentrations are needed on hard surfaces outside the body, but there is no information on how that data translates to pathogens inside the body. Once it is understood what concentrations are needed inside the body, then the safety of these chemicals can be reviewed. Once safety is understood, the method of delivery can be determined.