IMO, chief among those who wrongly hype MMS is Jim Humble, who has made the rediculous claim that he has never profitted a single cent from MMS. I would also argue vehemently that the claim that there are millions of cases of cancer which have been cured by MMS is itself no more than completely unsubstantiated hype. Normally, I would not reply to a pro-MMS message which was posted in an MMS support forum; however, you decided to cross post into the cancer forums and so I will note that I personally do NOT recommend that anyone use MMS for any cancer condition, period. There are, in my opinion, better and safer natural options including products which contain much smaller amounts of sodium chlorite - a substance that can put the entire body under far too much oxidative stress.
Other than that, I join you in bemoaining all of those who hawk and hype MMS for the sake of greed and profit.