Re: Louise Hay, Heal Your Body from A-Z
there is an element of truth within your post in that emotional/mental states are sometimes the cause of disease, followed by a disorder and deficiency.
This however is not my own experience, or that of thousands of others who have recovered their health thru proper living habits, and whose principles have been endorsed by Natural Hygiene for nigh on 200 years.
We believe that the root cause (not excluding emotional states) lies with toxemia or the retention of toxins brought on by a lowered state of vitality, or what Shelton, Tilden and others described as a "lowered-nerve-force" resulting from enervating habits.............
Undoubtedly there is a psychological/mental/emotional factor that can induce disease, but we do not believe it is the primary cause.
My own life experience bears this out after recovering from Leukemia thru Natural Hygiene, and a lifelong state of severe clinical depression, the latter of which was cured by targeted nutrition or Orthomolecular means.
I respect your views, but as this is not a debate forum we'd better leave it at that or we could go on forever tooing and froing till kingdom come.
I have been disease-free for nigh on 30 years so that must say something I suppose.