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Re: Louise Hay, Heal Your Body from A-Z
chrisb1 Views: 2,821
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Re: Louise Hay, Heal Your Body from A-Z


I think that if the human race had a dominance of an unselfish and altruistic/humanitarian intelligence, as opposed to the primarily selfish/greed model, then you are absolutely right: we would have far far less disease and ill-health than we do today.
I recall that Paul (Saul) of the New Testament, referred to this as the "sinful nature".

There are many "ifs", but again I do agree with you that if we had cooperated with Nature, as opposed to our ever-ending quest to divorce ourselves from it, then toxicity and deficiency would play a far less significant role than it does today.

There is a lot to be said for the role and existence of Dolphins, as we have arrogantly placed ourselves on the pedestal of "the supreme-being" within our World, and this will I believe be our downfall in the centuries to come.

The sinful nature, as Paul described, is our predominant subconscious motivation in life, and the love of money behind most things Human.

I don't believe I mentioned that "a healthy mind is only achieved in a healthy body" but as a mere starting point in resolving a multitude of health anomalies; once we have achieved as near a perfect physical specimen as is attainable through nutrition/natural hygiene/fasting and exercise, then one must resort to other factors within the psychological realm in resolving them.
There is of course a unity of mind/body and spirit: "the peace which passeth all understanding".

The masses are mostly duped into believing "authority" without question, and this includes establishment health-authorities, but curezone was born out of the lack of their success and utter failure for those who are free-thinking and intelligent enough to decide their own fate or otherwise. The mind and logic has had to guide us in everything we do. I wouldn't be here otherwise.

We can only do what we can do and spread the word by "Educating instead of Medicating" and where this is a growing global-body fighting the metaphorical-cancer that surrounds us all.

We can only hope unless there is a revolution.



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