Re: Louise Hay, Heal Your Body from A-Z
i certainly did underestimate your intelligence and good will when i first arrived here chris and i'm so delighted to have been wrong.
i think the case of the chicken or the egg might be easily solved (do correct my short sightedness if you see it) by considering the alternatives.
what sort of deficiencies and toxins would now exist on the earth if the rise of humanity had been dominated from the get go by a thoughtful unselfish intelligence instead of a primarily self concerned instinctively driven passionate me-first one? would we even have 10% of the ill health and physical disabilities we face today?
if we had not been so self absorbed from the beginning, would we have been more observant about the interconnectedness and cooperative nature of life on our planet and seen the benefit in playing an intelligent role in that?
if we were not so blindly infatuated by our emotional desires would we not have looked outward instead and made it top priority to learn to predict (as no other animal can) the massive weather and earth movements so as to avoid being maimed or prematurely killed? would we not have been more sensible and examined more thoroughly the effects our chemical pollutants might have on its delicate balance *before*releasing them?
if we'd had half a brain from the beginning all this unnecessary emotional and physical pain would not exist and we would see the senselessness in compounding it and doubling our suffering with an emotional component lamenting "woe is me" and hindering the immune system's healing process even further.
so one has to wonder, can "a healthy mind only be achieved within a healthy body"? because if thats the case theres not much hope for us, given the toxic planet we have made and that all life is now struggling to maintain its health in.
i think the reverse is the only option we have. and this is where curezone comes in. here we are learning - with what little intelligence can still surface in our unhealthy bodies - to educate ourselves in how to restore natural health. and this is going on in horticulture as well. the mind is having to step over the emotional-me-first-bully for the healing to begin. like fasting, desire initiates the journey but intelligence maintains the momentum that brings the health back home.
i am just so thankful that this information hwy has finally arrived. in fact earlier would have been better, but our slowness was inevitable - if our origin was purely evolution - and thats a whole other topic.