Re: Louise Hay, Heal Your Body from A-Z
I would tend to agree with actualhealth.
Emotions and ones mental state may have a profound influence on ones physical health or not, depending on the individuals ability to cope.
There is no doubt that prolonged anxieties and other prolonged mental states can have a deleterious health-effect.
It can also be a case of the chicken before or after the egg!
Is the root-cause of the physical-health malady within the mental state, or the mental-health caused by the physical-malady as in deficiencies?
They can be both and are intrinsically bound together.
Natural Hygiene believes that disease is caused by toxemia or retained toxins, which in turn can be caused by ones emotional/mental state by lowering nerve-force or the bodily vitality. Bodily waste/toxemia is therefore retained through an inefficient or impaired elimination process.
I am of the opinion that a healthy mind can only be achieved within a healthy body, and for me would be the first avenue of exploration. Once this probable cause has been eliminated, then mind techniques such as EFT and other psychological channels of help would follow in addressing the malady.