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Re: Why Curezone's ranking is dropping
Hveragerthi Views: 3,496
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Re: Why Curezone's ranking is dropping

 I believe it is also a matter of trust. For the most part, this is the only Forum here I hang at regularly [I swing by several times a day in fact]. Sometimes I visit Tony Isaacs Forum too. Why? Because I TRUST YOU AND HIM! I've read your posts and articles and find them true and trustworthy!

Mercola is a good site, no doubt about it, but some of what he puts up is OPINION and SPECULATION and it is presented as factual.

I agree, there are some things we definitely do not see eye to eye on such as he has presented the same old disproven myths about soy as fact, and I have debunked these myths.  But still at least he tries to present evidence to his claims.  You ask for evidence here on Curezone and you usually get something like "so and so felt better after doing _______".  This is hardly evidence though.  First of all feeling better does not mean healed.  Morphine will make you feel better if you break your back, but this does not mean the fracture is healed.  These claims also fail to take in to account placebo effect.  And when people are dealing with serious issues particularly they tend to make multiple lifestyle changes.  For instance a person with cancer may start eating better, taking supplements and exercising.  If they happen to do a "liver flush" as well what is really making them feel better?  Again this is why we have studies to rule out things such as placebo and secondary factors.  This is evidence, not my grandmother's uncle's brother did a liver flush and he was suddenly cured of ________.   These kind of testimonials mean nothing.  If they really want to be taken seriously they should start with providing evidence to their basis. In the case of liver flushing prove that those big green squishy blobs people are passing are real gallstones as is being claimed even though they show no characteristics of real gallstones.  When they find out that these are not real gallstones they need to drop that claim and start collecting real evidence to their other claims.  For example how does doing these "flushes" cure allergies as they claim?

PLUS, he has a vested business interest as well since he also SELLS PRODUCTS on his site. Many times it is the PERCEPTION of truth that sells the site more than the FACTS themselves.

You will never convince everyone that what you speak is truth ... all you can do is keep 'preaching' the truth you know and those 'with ears to hear' will listen and heed. Don't let the naysayers wear you down, James. You are doing a GOOD THING here and I for one [and I know many others agree] am VERY THANKFUL for all you do!

Thank you very  much.


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