I believe it is also a matter of trust. For the most part, this is the only Forum here I hang at regularly [I swing by several times a day in fact]. Sometimes I visit Tony Isaacs Forum too. Why? Because I TRUST YOU AND HIM! I've read your posts and articles and find them true and trustworthy!
Mercola is a good site, no doubt about it, but some of what he puts up is OPINION and SPECULATION and it is presented as factual. PLUS, he has a vested business interest as well since he also SELLS PRODUCTS on his site. Many times it is the PERCEPTION of truth that sells the site more than the FACTS themselves.
You will never convince everyone that what you speak is truth ... all you can do is keep 'preaching' the truth you know and those 'with ears to hear' will listen and heed. Don't let the naysayers wear you down, James. You are doing a GOOD THING here and I for one [and I know many others agree] am VERY THANKFUL for all you do!