Re: wow!! can it be????
I replied to this once, but I actually had to cool off enough to say what I need to say here.
I am asking everyone about what is going on in the gulf, but that hardly makes this situation normal.
Normal is taking for granted that the water you drink and the air you breath, and the ocean that you live near aren't toxic waste dumps.
I never believed any of the more colorful gulf disaster theories, obviiously the giant tidal wave hasn't materialized as yet.
But what is now a fact of my life is almost constant worry about my own health, my husbands health, my neighbors. Are we eating, breathing or drinking something that hs been comtaninated? I'm not worrying about my retirement planning like I used to, trust me, I suspect my life will be shorter than I expected, as will many other peoples lives as well.
I am terribly disappointed that it's going to be very hard to make public what is happening right around me. But we are a marginalized group down here.
I think your post is horribly disrespectful to all the people down here who have been really ill, a heart attack is no joke, we have a cluster down here, and it's my belief that the people I know here have had their health comprimized by the oil spill. As I thought all along, it's not going to end with a bang, but with a whimper.
Because they aren't very conventional people they are just not going to share their stories with CNN, which was my
first thought on the matter.
That doesn't mean that what is going on down here is OK, it's unspeakably difficult for both my husband and I right now.
Just because one part of the Gulf is OK, doesn't mean that it will stay that way, and it doesn't mean that something pretty nasty is getting covered up in the 'no entry area' where no fishing is allowed.
I don't know where you live, but I doubt very much that you ask everyone you meet how the ocean near you is faring, or if they've seen anything out of the ordinary, like I do now.
And I've heard stuff, everyone is worried, both about themselves and the wildlife. They worry because they see birds they can't identify, the migration patterns are off. They are worried about the sea food, they aren't sure about the water in their homes. They same guys who told me they could see the bottem of the gulf also said the feds won't let you into the restricted area, and that was wierd.
Not to mention that anyone who want to move is facing the fact that house prices in the area just fell another 20% last month.
I'm getting tired of getting bashed for posting what is going on around me, could you possibly, please, consider that I'm in something of a crummy situation?
It sounds like you want everything to be OVER, and it just isn't.
We went to the range yesterday, we shoot antique handguns and rifles as a hobby, and came home sick from being outdoors for not more than a couple of hours.
I have a bad feeling that a little corexit can go a long way, and I have to live with the consequences, as does everyone else down here. I don't appreciate your post, I thought it was pretty disrespectful, and you took what I wrote completely out of context.
I would love it to be normal, but we are a long way from that.