Re: Progress Update, Maybe off iodine for awhile again
I really appreciate your suggestions and thinking about this total stranger when no doubt you've got better things to do. I really don't want to sound like I'm making excuses, I've just been doing all those things already, so I'm kind of stumped and trying to unravel this picture because I know there's some major component that's being missed. For sure I'm still hypothyroid, I've got nearly all the "symptoms," and I'm getting alarmed at how thin my hair is on top.
I downloaded this little program called "cool timer" last year and set it to go off every 35 minutes, which is when I get up and jump on the tramp, move around, stretch a little.... I occasionally ignore it longer than 35. I mean, I really shaped up my act about a year ago when all this started, but it hasn't changed anything. I keep it up because I know things could get even worse, and I still have a molecule of hope I'm going to improve. Prior to that, I was not diligent about daily exercise and breaks because my body wasn't screaming at me the way it is now. I wasn't exactly inactive, but I'd go stretches of days or weeks without doing much. That's where I think my tipping point hit, and it came right after a few months of rather extreme stress.
Yeah, we have several of the balance balls here and I've tried them, they'd be perfect if it weren't for the pressure issue - still too firm in the wrong places. I can't stand up for long periods, either, but I'm thinking about trying to work at the kitchen counter part of the day, the only problem being the foot pedal because it would be mean putting all my weight on one leg, but maybe if I switch feet a lot....that's the one thing I haven't explored yet. If that works, I could get one of these sit/stand desks that goes up and down.
My husband and I have kind of come to an understanding about this issue, he's said his piece, I really heard him, he knows I finally get that it's not cool to not take care of myself when he loves me and frankly has to spend a lot of time and money trying to keep me halfway comfortable in light of the way things have been with my health. For the most part he seems to have let it go (after all it's not like I can turn time back) with the promise that I'll be more diligent from here on, and I really have, but I feel that little control/resentment thing pop up at times when he's stressed. He doesn't quite get exactly how many hours a day it takes to get my work done, along with all the other household stuff, money managing, etc. (and hell, I'm a girl, so we're just a little more high maintenance), so I did kind of "resist" him for a long time, in the sense that I hated being told what to do and having him "add to my pile," even though I knew those were things that should have been my top priority. I think it's a family trait, I'm a lot like my dad - stubborn, don't take direction well, live in my head, always thinking, and kind of ignoring my body, just expecting it to keep up. For a long time I guess I thought I was getting away with it. Obviously not, eh?
anyway, there goes the timer, time to get up! lol. ;) You're sweet for all your thoughts and responses. I'm gonna see the physical therapist at the end of the month and that holistic doc soon, too, hopefully, so maybe I'll at least have some answers about what's going on.