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Re: Progress Update, Maybe off iodine for awhile again
Anja Views: 3,574
Published: 15 y
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Re: Progress Update, Maybe off iodine for awhile again

Well, it's about a hundred times better than what most americans eat, but obviously still not optimal for me, as I still get bloating and gas, particularly with carbs. I'm quite sure I still have a problem with flora imbalance. In recent months I've added non gluten grains again, so it's mostly all whole, unprocessed foods with plenty of veggies, fish or chicken a couple times a week, some fruit (mainly berries), and no dairy, or very rarely in small amounts. Very little processed food. Liberal healthy fats and celtic Sea Salt . Despite that, I think I'm in denial that I probably need to be on an extremely rigid dietary protocol with impeccable food combining and probably food allergy testing. I've been down that road before and failed, and I think I just feel like I'll never nail it down or have the time and discipline to stick to something like that for the years it would probably take to accomplish real healing. You're right, though - diet and gut health is for sure a big piece of it, if not the entire underlying cause if I could trace it back. I'll discuss it with the new doc. I hope he's taking new patients.


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