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How I became functional in around 60 days
JWangSDC Views: 3,102
Published: 15 y

How I became functional in around 60 days

My acute problems were caused by Clindamycin usage. I went through 2-3 months of severe GI problems including diahrea up to 25 times per day. In any case, I took finished clindamycin around 2/14/10 but did not have any severe gastrointestinal problems until 3 weeks later. I was kind of in denial about Candida because right before the use I had just finished the McCombs plan that was preceeded by a stricter candida diet so I'd been on a super strict diet for about 21 weeks. Of course right after my Clindamycin usage I was so depressed that even with the inconsistent antifungal use and massive probiotic intake I was also drinking lots of soda, eating pasta and pizza.

I started getting colonics as that seemed to get rid of the highly acidic diahrea. It might take me 2 days and 40 movements to get a day or two of reprieve, but one colonic accomplished the same thing and kept me around 3-5 movements a day for the next week. Within a month I had stabilized, everything I ate came out about 3-4 hours later looking very undigested. By this point I had cleaned up my diet again, I was more or less following a candida diet. I also started a regular regimen of undecenoic acid. I had to stop the antifungals for my metametrix test which indicated +3 for yeast and lots of dysbiosis. 2 weeks later I got a genova labs test which came up 1+ for yeast and 1+ for rhodoturula. I also had no lactobacillus and Alpha Strep, Gamma strep, Satph aureus, and Klebsiella pneumonia in large amounts.

The metametrix test told me my fungus was sensitive to all pharmaceuticals. And it was only resistant to garlic, uva ursi, goldenseal(berberine), and Olive leaf. The Genova test showed that my bacterial infections were slightly sensitive to oregano and plant tanins. They were completely resistant to berberine and uva ursi.

After I got all this information I started day 1. And here's what I did

Day 1-5 (Jun 21st-25th) Finished!
Candida Force(5pills 3X per day plus Oregano 1 pill 3X)
Detox Essentials (about 5g of Vit C/day)
Sauna everyday (For Die off effects)
Bile Acid occasionally (For clostridia overgrowth)
Problems: Developed a SEVERE FLU. Even with the sauna my throat was SUPER sore and I was spotting blood in my cough.

Day 6-7 I added about 3g of olive leaf in per day to boost my immune, I removed the oregano oil because I thought it was too much too fast, and I binged on fruit and brown rice and that got me over the flu symptoms.

Day 8-18. I added the oregano oil back in and I tapered my carbs back down to zero. I didn't keep exact track, but I'd allow myself 1-2 servings of fruit per day and 1-2 servings of brown rice. So I went from 4 servings of carbs max back down to 0.

Day 19-25 I was eating zero carbs and lots of salads. I also added in 2 psylium shakes a day that I filled with capyrllic acid, coconut oil, and oregano oil. (Wholeapproach protocol). So in total I was taking 15 caps of Candida force (undecenoic), 3 caps of oregano oil, and these shakes as my antifungals.

Day 26-40 I started getting intravenous UV ozone blood treatments and intravenous Glutathione. This treatment basically made me feel NORMAL (not just functional) for 2 days per treatment. I continued to get this treatment 5X every two weeks. I also started getting lazy with the psylium shakes and basically stopped.

Day 41-60 - I'm occasionally eating fruits and brown rice, but I still average mostly none per day. I added agrisept-L and Morinda in. 25 drops of agrisept twice a day and two scoops of morinda twice a day.

Day 61 - I'm going to continue what I'm doing for the next 2 weeks, basically I'm taking 5g of buffered Vit C/day. 15X undecenoic, 3X oregano, the agrisept and Morinda. When I have free empty stomach time (which is very hard to come by) I also take some probiotics. At this point I'm fully functional, when I sleep I have a lot of anxiety and a lot of times I have to walk half a mile after a meal for my stomach to settle, but I'm mostly functional. I hope to be in normal health within the next 60 days. My plan is to continue to antifungals at this high dose for another 2 weeks then focus on repopulating my floral bacteria. It's been a long hard road but I'm starting to see the light and I just wanted to share that with everyone.

Here's a post I made on a good day

"I am 26 years old and 13 months into this fight, but I am now certain I am going to be a success story. It is going to be 8 more weeks till I believe I'm 100% totally cured and I have everything documented. 80% of what I've done is already on curezone anyway I'm just going to compile it. In retrospect, I feel anyone can be cured in as little as 3 months (after receiving test results from metametrix and genova as well as some blood cultures) So that takes about an extra month. The total bill for me is around $20K though for all tests, extra food cost, supplements, and doctor's visits.

But in short, I just got my tests done. Cleaned up my diet completely, i mean nothing but organic meats ands vegetables (No fruit, no nuts, nothing). Multiple botanical anti-fungals (that are listed as sensitive based on testing)as well as parasite cleanses (timed properly). But most importantly also IV treatments of Glutathione, UV Ozone, and injections of botanical inoculations (Like Wormwood etc)."

and I actually felt that way. So good luck to everyone, there is definitely hope.



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