Quick and dirty help: try Sam-E
Obviously your financial stability has to improve to get rid of your stress, panic, etc. That's why we get panic in the first place - to give us a kick in the pants to take drastic action when our lives are falling apart.
Of course sometimes there are no easy fixes and you just need that shot of whiskey to make it through.
But whiskey is a crude solution that causes more problems than it solves. For me SAM-E works a 1000 times better with no downside. My mood gets lighter, the obsessing stops, the racing heart and pulse over and I feel good again. And this is an hour after I take it - you don't have to take it for two weeks to start seeing a result.
Especially before bed, it calms the mind and makes it possible and easy to sleep when I wouldn't have had a prayer without it. It has gotten me (and my wife) through so many really tough times that I swear by it. Bankruptcy of my business, rejection and alienation by a parent, problems with my kids etc.
It's not addictive, its inexpensive for what it is, and it's only side effect is that it's good for your joints joints (which is another reason people take it).
Yes you have to cure the bigger problems to be happy again, but SAM-E can REALLY take the edge off in the mean time. And it does miracles for helping you sleep.
I finally was able to persuade my best friend to try it who had miserable side effects from anti-depressants for 20 years. It's been much more effective in dealing with his
Depression and the side effects are gone. Now he only takes it when he needs it which is once or twice every few months. Good stuff.