Re: Slowly dying... Need help/advice on what to do
Hello everyone,
I would like to thank you all for your support and your kind help. I received a lot of private messages too. I really appreciate the fact that so many people seem to care about my health issues. I think, with everybody's help, I've gathered enough info to be able to heal myself effectively: now I just need to be able to do what it takes, which is in my case not easy at all... (god I hate my mother...). Once, she even went to the point to throw away ALL my supplements, herbs, etc... There was probably for more than 800$ worth of stuff...
Right now, here is a little update on my situation:
I've been juice fasting (no fruits, just veggies and carrots, because of the big candida issue) since 4 days now. I am at 154lbs right now, and only lost 2lbs so far, so that's great news (I am 6.2ft tall). My mother was away for two weeks, and she came back 2 days ago. She keeps saying that I look very skinny, that I lost a lot of weight (which is true: around 7lbs in 3 weeks). She sees me
juicing every hour (she keeps saying very negative things about me juicing), and I know she is checking on me and on what I eat. So what I do, is I prepare food, fake to eat it (we don't eat at the same time), and later throw it in the bin... How sad is that, to have to go that far to try to heal myself...
Before things start to get worth as they did in the past (if I see she considers sending me back to psych ward), I decided to take some precautions: I just bought a portable distiller unit. If things start to get "tense", I'll move to my friend's house the minute after. I just need my juicer and good water after all. It won't be as confortable and convenient as home, far from it, but at least I won't have to deal with this awful negative atmosphere and the fear of being sent back to the ward.
I really believe I can heal myself, and I'll do everything it takes to reach that goal. It will take time, for sure, it is and will be very painful, I know that, but I'm ready for that battle. I've decided to juice until I'm well: if it takes 100 days of juicing, I'm fine with that (I don't have the choice anyway, can't eat no more).
Tomorrow morning: liver flush! Wish me luck
I'll be giving updates on my situation. If I can be of any help to any of you, please don't be affraid to contact me! I will be very happy to help