Re: Slowly dying... Need help/advice on what to do
I know EXACTLY how you feel and am in the SAME situation as you plus have heavy metal poisoning and a liver that doesn't work. My mother is ALSO exactly the same. I am praying that you don't have thrush as well. And the health service is USELESS and doesn't understand.
I am underweight too and want to go on a juice fast but think I am too weak.
To be honest, and I know this is weird, but I wish we lived near each other and could do the cleansing together as my case too is HORRIBLE...
I would say if your case is severe don't eat fruits as they have
Sugar and also if poss.. can you do any
colonics and I don't know at which point you should put in the pro-botics possibly without FOS if you have bad bacteria too. I don't know what else to say as I am NO doctor but if you must eat carbs... eat the slow release carbs and also ... rotate your anti-fungals so it doesn't become resistant and I am sure there are more people more knowledgeable on here than me.
Thanks! Alexa xx
ps About raw food... could you possibly eat some freshly cooked food as it reduces the bacteria...and other things. Plus maybe clean the raw food in Agrisept-L or hydrogen peroxide? (Although the latter please ask someone more experienced and I am no doctor.)
Plus if poss, organic doesn't have chemicals.. Thank you for UNDERSTANDING HOW I FEEL TOO xx