Liquidity of Truth/s
There are individual truths and shared truths. These shared truths are merely shared perceptions. These perceptions/filters literally project reality from either this individual scriipt or shared scriipt and these projections seem very factual. They evolve along with the perceptions though. Reality is liquid and not held into a structured, predetermined mold. Feedback from consciousness is what determines the shape of reality and the perceptions of that overall shape from the individual vantage points (like camera angles with their own interpretations).
Let's look at your "getting shot" analogy...
First of all a gun was invented. It was chosen as a construct from infinite potential. Others agreed to the construct. The construct was based on other underlying and shared principles as well as new ones. These beliefs shaped the reality of the gun. The gun did not shape the reality. It did not exist before consciousness created it (out of infinite potential). It is merely a prop projected from the collective mind with expected outcomes attached to it (due to the parameters of its design). It is a projected metaphor, an agreed upon prop, on the stage of life, being created from thought. So then, as an extension to its design and intent, everyone has a strong belief that a gun kills. This is enough to make it so.
Here's where it gets interesting...
An evolved shaman can counter act this collective belief. You may have even heard of accounts that people that had faith (belief) in the concept of Jesus Christ have had bullets either deflected or had them go right through them. How is this possible if reality is hardwired and not liquid? Some call these exceptions miracles. Miracles are just the misunderstood liquidity of reality by people who believe in never bending truths. Also it doesn't only depend on a christian belief to leverage such liquidity as their are also accounts of other belief systems leveraging this liquidity and altering the collectively held belief/s to a new outcome.
So then...
This may be a good time to ask the following questions. Do you believe in miracles. What is a miracle? How are they possible?