Re: worship
OK I see you feel worship is something more deep, I find that is admirable that it means something more intense than the given definition.
I fracture it into it's parts and their root meanings.
worth- to come to be, to turn, bend
ship- state, condition of being
In otherwords with worship we try to become like.
Do you reflect that?
John 4:24
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."
Here is the given definition, which is why I say people worship...
wor·ship [wur-ship] Show IPA noun, verb,-shiped, -ship·ing or (especially British) -shipped, -ship·ping.
–verb (used with object)
to render religious reverence and homage to.
to feel an adoring reverence or regard for (any person or thing).
–verb (used without object)
to render religious reverence and homage, as to a deity.
to attend services of divine worship.
to feel an adoring reverence or regard.