Please don't become a nasty, complaining bitch unless you want to be a lawyer or an insurance adjuster.
Oh Charkee, you made my day!! I didn't take what yo say the wrong way. You are correct on all points (except I am not diabetic.) You and #107689 have provided some insight into this whole thing for me.
I know how it feels when people treat you badly and I would not want to do that to anyone on purpose just for the sake of being a bitch. I have the feeling that some people derive a sick pleasure from belittling others which falsly elevates their position. Or maybe they had a bad day and are taking it out on the first person they could at that time. But that is a lame excuse because I know many people who never do that no matter how crappy a day they have had.
I am trying every day to feel better about myself and do things to please myself first. Saying no to people if I have to and not having as many friends as I would want because of that.