Re: Prisoners fed high soy diet ; develop serious health problems
Like I said WAPF promotes Nutrient Dense food which beef and unprocessed milk happen to be.
Since when? Where is all the silica? Vitamin C? Readily available calcium?........ Soy provides as much of not more nutrition than beef and milk. In addition soy removes toxic heavy metals, prevents many cancers, and helps to balance the hormones. What do beef and dairy do? Well they deplete bone due to their high phosphorus content. They increase the risk of kidney stones due primarily to uric acid and phosphorus that leads to calcium loss from bone and excretion through the kidneys. Although the calcium in milk can also contribute. Cooking the beef forms carcinogenic nitrosamines........... Beef is also extremely hard for the body to ingest and whole milk is loaded with high calorie fat. There is also the issue of animal proteins raising levels of pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid. You might also find this interesting, keeping in mind that these are only the metals being excreted:
It does not matter the feed source, you are still going to have metal and other contaminations. Every plant, including grass contains metals like aluminum since aluminum is so abundant in the earth's crust. So the plants pick it up and the cows ingest the aluminum. So to claim that soy has aluminum without mentioning the content of grass fed beef and raw milk is very misleading. The same goes for the lead in the soil as well as other metals and toxins as well as that found in the water given to the cattle:
Also keep in mind that beef and dairy are also higher in fats than plants, and fats have a high affinity for xenoestrogens and some metals such as mercury. At least with soy the heavy metals are bound to phytic acid making then unavailable to the body unlike being readily available with beef or dairy.
By the way, grass fed DOES NOT mean more nutritious:
And Maniek has provided plenty of PROOF for you regarding soy,
What proof? I have yet to see any of you provide any real proof of soy toxicity. I see a lot of opinion sites and anti-soy PROPAGANDA sites being linked, but these have been debunked to the hilt. And some unrelated science abstracts that were very misleading. So where is that evidence?
not sure why its so tough for you to come to grips with.
Maybe because neither of you have provided any real evidence to your claims and the anti-soy propaganda that has been presented has been debunked .
Hver you want people to take 50mg of zinc daily for stomach acid and other various functions that zinc provides. Where in the world do you think we get good sources of zinc, grass-fed humanely treated BEEF!
And where do you think the beef get that zinc? From the PLANTS THEY EAT, including soy!!!
You constantly promote kefir. Where in the world do you think the kefir comes from, MILK! You are being completely contradictory!
Not contradictory at all. First of all there is water kefir, soy milk kefir, nut milk kefir, coconut milk kefir......... And secondly, if you bothered to read my posts you will see that I am not completely against milk. Like other food that can be hazardous to the health, such as beef, I recommend limiting the intake. So how is that contradictory? Please, enlighten all of us!
So you promote the same thing WAPF does!!!!
If we promote the same things then the Weston Price Foundation must promote all the proven health benefits of soy? Gee, I must have missed that somehow. Glad to see they are finally learning and coming to their senses if this is the case. Although I think their financiers are going to be pissed off to see that all that money they are paying off the foundation with to badmouth soy is being wasted!
Soy being good for you is a ludacris statement.
Try looking at some real research instead of of propaganda sites and maybe you will start seeing the truth.
I see you found another propaganda site:
A new toxin has been added to the long list of antinutrients in soy foods. In addition to phytic acid,
Phytic acid is not a toxin. It helps remove toxic metals from the body and is also used as an anti-cancer agent sold under the name inositol hexaphosphate (IP6). So how is that a toxin? On the other hand beef and dairy contain toxic metals with no method of bonding them and removing them from the body.
Isoflavones help to antagonize strong estrogens, such as those found in beef and milk. By doing this they help to balance the hormones and protect us from cancer. Isoflavones have also been shown to help increase bone density. Beef and dairy increase the level of dangerous hormones and lead to bone loss.
protease inhibitors,
Protease inhibitors are naturally occurring antiviral compounds found in seeds, potatoes, tomatoes, olive leaf and many other plants. So they also consider antivirals as toxins? I consider them beneficial.
You may want to read this on nitrates/nitrites. See all the plants they are found in and remember that they are also found in beef:
And in raw milk:
They did not even spell this right. It is lysinoalanine. It is also produced by the heating of milk or beef and other meats. So unless you eat your meats raw you are being exposed. And don't use raw milk in any cooking.
Already addressed. Bound to phytic acid in soy making it non-available to the body, but readily available from beef and dairy.
Again found in beef and dairy and in levels higher than legumes:
and MSG,
"I thought I knew this one but then i looked it up on a USDA site.
Are MSG and hydrolyzed protein related?
Yes. MSG is the sodium salt of glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is an amino acid, one of the building blocks of protein. It is found in virtually all food and, in abundance, in food that is high in protein, including meat, poultry, cheeses, and fish."
soy also contains a human carcinogen called 3-MCPD.
This is a misleading statement. The chemical is found in soy sauce, not all soy products. It is formed from the chemical treatment of the soy.
Present in numerous plant foods, oxalate is a compound that can bind with calcium in the kidney to form kidney stones. People prone to kidney stones are advised to avoid high-oxalate foods such as spinach and rhubarb.
And kidney stones can be formed from the phosphorus in meat and dairy and from the uric acid formed from their breakdown, which can also lead to gout or kidney damage. Luckily as I pointed out in an earlier post soy is LOW in oxalic acid. In addition, dietary oxalic acid is poorly absorbed as it binds to things like calcium and iron in the digestive tract making it unabsorbable. Instead it is excreted in the feces. Most urinary oxalic acid comes from production within the body, such as from the breakdown of vitamin C.
So as we can see eating beef and dairy can be more dangerous than eating soy. So have you found any real evidence to the contrary rather than "evidence" from bogus anti-soy propaganda sites like the Weston Price Foundation?