Re: Prisoners fed high soy diet ; develop serious health problems
It is a real story , here is the Chicago Tribune link :,0,1740841.story
The point is they developed these symptoms after incorporating large amounts of soy into the diet. How to test if soy is not causing these issues? remove it from their diets for 1-2 weeks and observe the changes.
Putting it in print does not make it a real story. Didn't the New York Times get in trouble recently for printing bogus stories? The fact is that the media exaggerates stories all the time to make the stories more interesting. Stories are also printed to help promote products of advertisers. If you want to see a good example look at the free health magazines passed out at health food stores. They will run articles claiming that "X" is the greatest new product to developed in the last century. Then right after the article is a full page ad for product "X".
Personally I think the fact that the paper used one source of information, the Weston Price Foundation, that has been completely discredited shows that the journalist either does not know how to do proper research or themselves had an anti-soy agenda to begin with. Reporters who cannot report without such bias are not really reporters in my opinion. They might as well write for the rag magazines since they are only going to make up whatever they want the public to hear and believe.
I think the reporter should have looked in to the Weston Price Foundations links to the beef and dairy industry to find out what kind of financial incentives they have to make up so many debunked lies about soy. Now that would have been an interesting article. Luckily some people are questioning the association:
Looks like we found their reason to promote their false propaganda about soy. One of their funders is the meat industry:
"From their web-site:
From the Wiki:
"The main sources of support for the Weston A. Price Foundation are the dues and contributions of its members. The Foundation does not receive funding from the government or the food processing and agribusiness industries. It does accept sponsorships, exhibitors and advertising from small companies by invitation, whose products are in line with WAPF principles. [9] [10] Current sponsors can be seen at the main page of Weston A. Price. The sponsors include meat and fish producers, as well as health product companies."
With gross revenues close to a million dollars in 2006, the Foundation itself is a "big corporation"....
You are confusing what is "good for you" with what you accept as ethical; if tomorrow the entire beef industry went "organic", then ALL beef would come from giant corporations!"