Re: Prisoners fed high soy diet ; develop serious health problems
Yes they are non-profit. So is the American Cancer Society who spends most of the donations they get on executive salaries and travel. Only about 5% of the money goes to help cancer patients. And the ACS has a long history of suppressing cancer cures. So I can care less if the Weston Price Foundation is non-profit, this does not mean squat. As was pointed out they receive a lot of funding from the cattle industry. Do you really believe that they are going to do or say anything to harm one of their biggest supporters? Or are they going to do what they can to protect their golden goose? Why do you think it is that the WPF has lied so much about soy? I addressed all of their false claims. That is not propaganda, that is facts! And why are they targeting soy when flax seed is higher in phytoestrogens and every plant we eat contains them or flavonoids that have the same effect? Why are they targeting soy when other grains contain phytates? Why are they targeting soy when so many foods including cabbage, broccoli, peanuts, turnips, etc. are also goitrogens? They are specifically targeting soy with a bunch of false propaganda and you really think that they don't have an agenda?!!! And yes, I was raised on soy and I am healthy. So are millions of other Americans as well as other people around the world. So why are all these people healthy? Why aren't they gay as the Weston Price Foundation claims soy makes people? Don't you see how utterly ridiculous this and their other claims are? And you claim they don't promote any beef or dairy?!!! How do you explain these articles from their site promoting these products?:
"We need to stand up and support people like the Charters because beef is not the demon food we've been told it is. Beef does not cause disease. In fact beef contributes to good health by providing many important nutrients."
"And the beef industry, for all its faults, is far less subject to monopolistic control than the grain industry is. And it's easier to manipulate prices on grain, a commodity controlled by just a few families,40 than it is to control prices on an industry supported by thousands of cattlemen."
"People who raise beef not only tend to be free thinkers, they are also good thinkers, because beef provides many factors needed for the modern equivalent of the quick draw—keen, quick minds—including zinc, B12, cholesterol, omega-3 fatty acids, trace minerals, saturated fat and complete protein. In fact, when it comes to good health—it's the beef."
Now tell me that this is not promotion of the beef industry!!!
"British vegetarians do, in fact, tend to be very health conscious, avoiding not only meat but also alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and soft drinks. Unlike American vegetarians, they understand the importance of calcium-rich whole dairy products in the diet and eat plentifully of milk, cheese, butter and eggs.) When researchers compare the effects of high-meat diets to normal diets in the same person, no adverse effects are found, even over extended periods of time.27
Individuals who find they do better on high meat diets need not, therefore, worry about osteoporosis, as long as their diet includes complementary animal fats, plenty of calcium and a variety of other properly prepared whole foods."
Beef is well known for causing bone loss, in particular from the high phosphorus level. It is also well known that dairy products are not only a poor source for calcium, but they also contribute to bone loss. This is because the protein in the dairy blocks clacium absorption, but not the phosphorus that displaces calcium from the bones.
More promotion of beef and milk:
This is just a few of the articles from their site promoting beef and dairy. So do me a favor and don't treat me like I am stupid because I am not. Their bogus propaganda against soy and their promotion of the beef and dairy industries are EXTREMELY clear!!!
The conclusions of WAPF are based on factual research done by a doctor who studied cultures that were not influences by the "white-man" diet, he found these cultures were in perfect health.
Research is manipulated all the time. For example testing cultures outside the body are easy to manipulate. It is like the study I have mentioned several times where they claimed St. Johnswort could reduce fertility. What they did was to put the SJW extract directly on the semen in a petri dish, which deformed and killed the semen. I can achieve the same results with vitamin C and even oxygen. In fact a lot of substances we consume daily will do this. So we can conclude from this type of manipulated research that none of us should exist since most everything we consume and the air we breathe causes infertility!!! The point is that what happens with a culture in a petri dish is not the same as what happens in the body.
If you just choose whatever sources you want to believe as truth and post them haphazardly on your forum I can no longer see this forum as credible even though you are a very sharp person.
ROTFLMAO!!! But you will accept whatever bogus propaganda that the WPF posts as fact even though their propaganda has been seriously debunked? And what about all the studies proving the benefits of soy that they ignored? Again they have an agenda to promote the beef and dairy industry as is EVIDENCED above. So they are ignoring whatever does not fit their agenda and instead are relying on opinion articles and manipulated or misinterpreted research. So I guess we have way different standards of proof.
As far as your claim that 97% of soy is genetically modified, this is not true. Nor is it the only crop we consume that is genetically modified:
Furthermore not all genetic modification is bad or dangerous. Technically the genes of a plant can be modified chemically as well. For example the use of cholchicine to induce tetraploidy in watermelons to make them seedless. The cholchicine stays in the main plant, not the fruit. The point is that different parts of a plant can have totally different chemistry. Therefore genes spliced in to plant to prevent insect attack for instance does not mean those genes or the compounds they produce are in the part we eat. So until this is shown it is just a lot of people running around yelling the sky is falling. This is not to say that say that I would go out of my way to eat GMO foods. Since there are unknowns it is best to watch our intake. But I am not going to make myself paranoid about it either. That would just lead to a lot of stress and possible health issues from placebo effect.
By the way I am curious do you drive a car? If so don't you worry about the health affects of the pollution you are spewing out on both yourself and your family? After all the pollution is more dangerous than soy could possibly be.
As for your claim that unfermented soy is bad for your health do you have any proof of this? And by your specifying "unfermented soy" are you implying that fermented soy is safe?