16 y
Re: Refreshed
My grandfather in his 95th year walked astray many times and the last one was nearly a catastrophe, so he was put in a home. His wife of 71 years was then left alone in the house for the first time ever. Its no wonder to me that his being gone made her not want to eat, those two are like two vines twisted together. She was in the hosp two days ago, weighing about 70 pounds.
Fortunately, people are not body only. My grandparents will probably pass over within days of one another, cosmically, and not too far in the future. I could go visit them each again in this state but it would be pointless, except for myself. They are two that had a major impact on my life and saying I love them doesn't even come close. But I'm not sad as some might be, because I know with absolute certainty that their deaths will only be a new beginning for them, that I too will share someday, and they want me to continue forward. They are not the bodies I see visually, rather, their real selves are spirits even now as they are in that home, that are to be re-newed very soon and there will be two more Angels in the universe. The earth is an Angel-generator machine.