16 y
Molasses and kelp
Actually, pretty good stuff together if you think about it.
I'm generally averse to highly refined foods, such as molasses which is basically the sludge remaining after the second or third boiling in the production of white sucrose crystals.
But, molasses is high in potassium, and importantly, typically high in copper content. I know from personal experience what a copper deficiency can do and it could be that many out there are deficient in it. As for the kelp, those who've read anything about the benefits of iodine supplementation in those who have halogen imbalances due to excessive fluoride and bromide in the "american" diet, already know that the iodine in kelp is highly beneficial.
So if you think about it, any protocol that includes molasses and kelp has a good likelihood of providing benefits to many people. As Bill Murray quipped in the movie Stripes - "that's the fact Jack". I hope that Moreless dude returns.