Wanted to say HI!
I found this forum a few weeks ago and thought it would be something that would help my family and also thought since I will be 40 this year that I should try and do something healthy for my body. I am one of those who has 1 BM a week and always have. I drink diet pop 24/7 no juice or water and eat pizza for breakfast! I did my first
coffee enema Sunday, afterwards I couldnt leave the pot, cramping and such for 20 minutes but then was fine. I started the BP shakes Wednesday but havent had a BM since the enema. This stuff isnt going to hurt me staying in there is it? I decided to do the enemas every Sunday. Also was wondering, since I will soon be taking two of the shakes and I have to take them on a empty stomach, do I have to take them all together in the morning or how long do you have to wait after eating to drink one? Cant picture drinking all 5 at once!! It has been hard trying to drink water, really makes me want to puke! Also am getting my teenage daughter on this since she has had pains in her stomach for years and all the Drs. just keep telling her it is gas! So hope this will help her also am going to do the
parasite cleanse soon. I hope this gives me back some energy have always been so tired since I was a teenager. Glad that I found this place and hope to learn more from you all!!