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Re: negative comments
pepe Views: 4,704
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Re: negative comments

Chris it is always a pleasure and a big learning experience for me reading your well reasoned, succinct and educated responses.

"They have left because the original ideals and knowledge gleaned from decades of qualified supervision/experience, have been adulterated to the point of being farcical; ignorant; naive, and even hazardous/dangerous to ones and others health."

This is absolutely right on the money. What these "dieters" not realize or acknowledge is that it is that they  are the ones being negative and that this is a "public forum" and not "about them". In addition  particularly  regarding this specific persons post that this is "THE WATER FASTING FORUM" and that folks with infinite more knowledge and experience than them are just pointing and yes "teaching" them all the possible inherent and well known/documented  dangers of their actions so that they and other that come seeking information cut out the  the steep learning curve, get optimal results and very importanly that they and other seeking info on this forum don't wind up hurting themselves in the future.

Instead of bothering to even try to research the veracity and documented facts of what is being "passed on" to them and being thankful that at least for the immediate moment they have dodged a bullet and not suffered any "apparent" adverse effects,  that they should be thankful for experienced and educated folks like you that have cared enough and are paying forward by helping others achieve optimal results and not hurt themselves in the process because of their lack of information and understanding of the principles of how fasting >>actually<< works.

Your posts always contain a wealth of information and point to resources to encourage these "dieters" to take some responsibility and do their research and find out for themselves the consequence of their actions in the bigger picture. As we have seen over the years the norm is tunnel vision about weight loss  at all costs including their "health" and if anyone even tries, no matter how informative and well reasoned  their admonishments are, instead of being thankful they cry foul and just start >whining< about how "negative" people are in this forum.

I for one am thankful for Curezone and all the experienced/educated people like you that frequent these forums that have taught me so much over the years.

All of this is no surprise and quite typical actually. It is not the first time and tain't gonna be the last. Hang fast, full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes ;+D.  Chris thanks for your tireless efforts, press on and keep up the good work.




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