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Re: negative comments
chrisb1 Views: 4,712
Published: 16 y
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Re: negative comments

This forum is one of the most frequented within curezone, and is highly regarded by many, but it is significant that those who have the most experience and knowledge of the fast, and the fasting process, have long since gone, and not for the reasons you have quoted here..........

"No wonder so many people 'fall off the face of the earth' after posting here. They are probably tired of the negativity".

They have left because the original ideals and knowledge gleaned from decades of qualified supervision/experience, have been adulterated to the point of being farcical; ignorant; naive, and even hazardous/dangerous to ones and others health.

This is not designed to decry your commendable efforts in what you have attempted to achieve so far, but merely a comment on the weakness and lack of resolve in adhering to principles that have stood the test of time, and how these have been subverted to the potential detriment of other members.




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