Re: Misinformation
I have to disagree with you,
Liver Flushing with olive oil and
citric acid does work. I have extensive experience with liver disease unfortunately, 2 years ago I was diagnosed with liver hepatitis and liver cancer. I've done many things, but one of the main things that has helped has been
Liver Flushing (I've done 35 of them now).
Because some people (like you) scared me off liver flushing, I actually suffered 6 months of constant liver pain while using liver support herbs which did absolutely nothing. I never made any progress at all until I started liver flushing.
I won't dispute that your advice about taking a small amount of olive oil with every meal is good advice however. One of the ways to heal the liver is to make sure you have lots of raw fats, particularily 5-10 tablespoons of
OO (Olive-Oil) per day if possible.
Still, small amounts of
OO (Olive-Oil) every meal DOES NOT replace liver flushing. I know because I take
OO (Olive-Oil) at most meals, take liver tonics and support herbs, and still my liver needs to be flushed from time to time. If I don't flush for too long, I can feel my liver getting damaged, because unfortunately I have a very sensitive liver now.
OO and
citric acid is not the only way to liver flush, but you can't say it hasn't worked because it already has for thousands of people, whether they were doing the Schulz flush or the Clark or the Sutter or Grandma's flush from the homeland. I'm sorry it didn't work for you, but to generalize like that is just wrong. It's no wonder you were kicked off the
Liver Flush Support Forum , it's a support forum, not a debate forum, read (and follow) the rules. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to stuff your opinions down someones throat, especially when people have experiences to the contrary. Unless you also had liver hep and cancer, I'm going out on a limb here and will say that I have more practical experience than you do here.
parasites have been a problem for many people with Candida. One of the problems with Candida is that it's a "catch all" category when people don't know what's wrong with them. Nothing wrong with doing a
parasite cleanse, if they are
parasite free it does nothing but a lot of the time, especially for Candida, it helps. Its recently helped a friend I know who suffers from MS and I find that amazing.
Mercury is a huge problem for many people with Candida. I believe it's a major contributor to mine. Until I remove my mercury fillings, a small amount of Candida exist in my gut (to protect me from the mercury). I don't feel that Candida, I'm cured from it, but it's still there (according to iridology and live blood cell testing). In any case, mercury fillings are really bad for your health so I don't know why you'd even think about debating this.
Btw, what kind of practical experience do you have with disease? Or are you academic only?
It's impossible to say why anyone has Candida, everyone has it for different reasons and often more than one factor, to generalize the way you do is not helpful. I don't always agree with everything that is said on this board, but I try to stay openminded and if something works for someone, especially long term, that's good enough for me.