Re: :) :) :) n/m Re: For the sake of sharing knowledge...Re: On eating meat
Great posts all you folks. Thank you!!!
Unyquity: I've been teching this for eight years now. It works because of the very things your posts so eloquently detail.
The essense of the whole thing is Clean and feed. We clean with the fruits and vegetables and build with whatever that specific body demands it be built with. Whether that be protein, carbo's, fruits, veggies or anything else natural. It's really quite simple and it works.
What I did is put these fundamentals together in a way that makes it easy to understand. You have to admit Natural Healing IS rather confusing and overwhelming to the beginner. It's such a large world compared to the medical drug treatment world. So it helps tremendously to know the fundamentals Natural Healing is built on. It makes studying the entire world of Natural Healing much easier and therefore doable.
But the biggest thing probably is it gives folks a specific order to do the various things in. A place to start. And explains why with sound physiological rerasons right out of the textbooks. No sense doing cellular detox with a congested liver and non functional colon. It won't work. Fix the plumbing first then the cellular detox CAN happen and your health will return.
Either way, it works and people get their health back which is the essense of Natural Healing.
There ARE no cures. The paradigm shift has to be from treating the disease to elivating health. And you do that by catering to the demands of the cell.
Which IS the Natural Healing Paradigm.