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Some personal experience and interesting thoughts/meat vs vagetarianism/veganism
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Some personal experience and interesting thoughts/meat vs vagetarianism/veganism

This whole thread is intersting and provocative to the thinking. I've lived long enough to have had some experience with a lot of it. I grew up being a lacto-vegetarian. I did very well on that diet, was a bit stronger than my peers and at the top of my class in school. I had the availability of some very high quality vegetables and fruits, picked fresh with the enzymes in them. 5 minutes from garden to table. As I proceeded into adolescence, I found out I need a higher protein diet or I felt very weak and my performance in everything suffered. As I entered adulthood, my eating got a little sloppy whith supplying my diet with the high quality fruits and vegetables OR meat. Call it a life-style change because of the demands of a fast-paced life-style which started a decline of my health. Parasites and solvents had a lot to do with the decline in my health. As I've gone thru Doc's program, I haven't been able to tolerate vegetable juices for many months. I just couldn't get them down. All my body wanted was fruit juice. At times I felt too weak to stand up and adding the organ meats is what gave me enough strength to make it thru the day. Another big demand from my body for protein to build it up. I listen to what my body is telling me. I've seen my body requirements for protein change drastically over years and circumstances. Hopefully it will level out. Meat does have lots of microorganisms on it that are not healthy. It can be a source of parasite eggs. I agree each person's body is different. Climate changes the body requirements for either fat or protein, IMO. Lastly, I've decided whatever gets the body well and keeps it strong is what a person ought to do. I wouldn't argue the fact that there are the great healers who have done it with fruit and vegetable juices. In conclusion I would say eat whatever makes your body stronger the next day. It's Dr. Sutters finding/philosophy and has worked in my case. I have gotten better and stronger rather than weaker and worse even through the many ups and downs while doing this program. So I'd say do whatever works for YOU.


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