Re: For the sake of sharing knowledge...Re: On eating meat
great informative post.
it's so easy to be a 'junk' food vegetarian, having little or no fresh foods and fruit, even no vegetables at all....just a steady diet of bread, bad oils, processed foods and sugar. i was a 'bad' vegetarian, totally oblivious to the impact it was having on me as i felt 'fine' for many years (but ignoring small warning signs that point to ill health), ultimately it caught up with me.
vegetarians in poor health, is dependent on the 'type' of vegetarian diet they are eating...and if you're not eating anything close to food, you're not going to be having much nutrition. AND....the body is going to start to clog, liver stones will form, mucoid plaque in the digestive tract, arterial system becoming layered.. eventually the whole system becomes deficient and overburdened. sickly vegans or meat eaters for that matter if they are sickly, lack of assimilation and clogged system are key factors.
vegans on whole foods with some fresh juices and cleansing....can have amazing health. often it takes getting sick to realize how bad diet was before.