but...in capital letters!!!
I am not allowed to print the first word in a post title in capitals.
I suppose the folks who designed this site don't want people 'shouting' their messages.
I am also not allowed to carry my own post by 'copy and paste' from one forum to another.
In fact, the code is set to recognize that, and to dump the poster off CureZone if one tries repeatedly.
I was dumped off CureZone, and not allowed back on as a poster until I contacted the webmaster.
Apparently scammers try to 'copy and paste' their messages to as many forums as possible.
A FIRST message in a thread may be spread to as many as three forums, within the rules...but the following messages in that same thread are limited to those same three forums, and no further...not even by 'cutting and pasting'.
So far, linking, as I have done above, seems to be okay.
Hope you see what I have to say at the link...I think it is important...maybe ALL IMPORTANT.