...and certainly not for the sake of arguing or debating!
This is a subject that is very near & dear to my heart. I am an Iowa farm girl and my grandfather raised some of the finest Black Angus cows in the state (all my life). My idea of a 'celebratory' meal was always prime rib or filet mignon...and I knew to the bottom of my being that a meal without meat was NOT healthy. In fact, when my husband and I embarked on our healing/learning pathway together, we actually shook hands and SWORE we'd never be vegetarians.
That being said, I obviously have (seriously) changed my tune (and my past conditioning), and there are some things in this thread that I feel (for the sake of knowledge) need to be illuminated.
--The "average" vegan and the "average" meat eater that comes into anybody's clinic or we see on the street? Generally TOTALLY unhealthy...period. Vegans have a tendency to be totally undernourished (which generally appears as overall 'weakness'). Meat eaters have a tendency to be totally undernourished (which generally appears as being overweight). A person 20 pounds overweight "appears" to be healthy to most of us; a person 20 pounds underweight "appears" to be weak & sickly to most of us.
The idea that one can look at say 25-50 vegetarians and conclusively determine that vegan eating is not healthy is pretty ridiculous, eh?
-->>>And except for horses most vegetarian animals may be strong but they are also slow and cumbersome with much body mass. While the meat eaters are fast and slim.<<<
Hmmm, deer, gazelle, antelopes, monkeys of all kinds (especially the great apes), have fabulous body mass, and are anything but slow & cumbersome. Most of the 'slow & cumbersome' vegan animals (like cows given their totally *natural* diet of only plants - not grains and chemicals as a typical cow is today) are much leaner and a lot less cumbersome that most realize. I'm a farm girl, I've been chased by a grass-fed bull (and a couple of heifers) - there was nothing "slow" about it! lol
-->>>It is true that vegetarian diets (veganism, e.g., or longterm rawfood diets) have a greater tendency to be deficient, thereby causing problems...<<<
This is simply not true. What IS true, is that ANY unbalanced diet (especially when the digestive tract is compromised, impacted, filthy and layered with rubbery mucous), causes a lack of assimilation. A "typical" vegetarian/raw foodist, switches from fatty meats & dairy (laden with growth hormones), and then becomes/appears "sickly". For the same reason, a meat/dairy eater is usually overweight. Vegans and raw foodists are NOTORIOUS for ingesting an unbalanced diet (very low in B vitamins)...it's the unbalanced vegan/raw diet that produces "sickly" raw/vegan foodist (and of course, the other 'full body' issues with which we all must heal in order to be healthy).
The proof is in the HEALING...which is NOT just about the diet, but about the entire body!
Tens of thousands of people have been cured of incurable diseases and are living vibrant healthy lives, due to Dr. Gerson (& Dr. Christopher & Dr. Schulze)...and in order to achieve this cure on their programs, they were put on almost on very strict vegan diets (once healing was underway, Gerson allowed a bit of yogurt, Christopher allowed a small portion of organic chicken or fish occasionally).
WHY? It's takes 4-6 hours for our bodies to digest & assimilate meat & dairy (both of which are mucous forming and acidic). It takes up to 65% percent of the bodies energy resources to digest, assimilate and eliminate. But assimilating nutrient/enzyme laden juices takes only 15 minutes or so, and raw foods generally less than an hour (IF they are properly chewed to a liquid and mixed properly with the digestive enzymes in the saliva).
We all know that 'energy dive' after eating a meal heavy in meat - that energy COULD be used by our body for healing.
I think Dr. Christopher's analogy is very insightful, he says (paraphrased):
"Our bodies are like ore processing machines. We can give them veins of pure gold, or we can give them barrels full of rough ore. Either way, our bodies WILL extract the 'pure gold' for our benefit. What is the "pure gold"? Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grains in their wholesome forms (capable of bearing life) and the oils thereof. When an animal ingests this pure gold, their bodies convert it an utilize it to make muscle mass. When we eat the muscles, we too, will eventually get the benefit of the 'pure gold'...but our 'ore processing machines' are overburdened, worn out and exhausted by the process. Great apes have a life-span of 150 years; ours is 70. They ate 'pure gold', we ate 'ore' and wore out our 'ore processing machine." That was VERY enlightening to me, and made a ton of sense to this ole farm gal :)
When going to juices and raw foods, an ENORMOUS amount of energy resources are freed up (and if juicing, the body is plowed with fantastic levels of nutrition), and our bodies use that energy to restore, repair and heal whatever is wrong. And of course, Schulze, Gerson, Christopher did NOT just focus on the juicing & raw foods...their patients had a COMPLETE body healing program. Schulze was huge on liver flushing, Gerson was also big on "liver", but had his patients doing up to 4 coffee enemas daily to address this; Christopher was also big on liver, but focused on herbs & castor oil packs (which he likely 'got away with' -lol- because in the 50's/60's our livers were NOwhere near as congested/compromised as they are now).
Add to that, a FULL BODY program, VERY thorough colon cleansing to ensure assimilation (at least with Christopher/Schulze), kidney cleansing (often totally overlooked), daily sunlight, exercise, hot/cold showers for circulation (lots of cayenne), various herbs for various ailments situations, etc. etc.
Bottom line: take an unhealthy congested fat person and do nothing more than change their diet to vegan, and they become an unhealthy congested 'frail' person. It's not the fault of the diet...it's not necessarily WHAT we eat, it's WHAT we assimilate. And healthy digestion and assimilation IS a "full body program"...if the "tube" or any organ attached to the "tube" is malfunctioning or clogged, assimilation is weakened & compromised. If the 'tube' itself is impacted with decades worth of "yuck", assimilation is lessened substantially. Sheesh, even if the heart is beating weakly and the blood is thick/sluggish, the entire digestive tract is compromised because the tissues aren't "plump & juicy" with highly oxygenated blood.
If you'd like more information on Protein & Healing, please read these three short chapters (based on the Gerson protocol) - if you think meat & high protein is essential for healing, once you read this you'll understand why that's incorrect.
Protein & Healing (parts 1,2 & 3)
Again, my purpose is not to enter into debate or argument (as some of you know, I'm VERY busy with my own forum now). But I did want to take the time to share what I have learned, so that people can have good information for comparison...to make the choice that is right for them and their own 'doctor within' :)
Blessings of health -