Stop The Insanity !
I agree with Doc Sutter.
Do all people wear the same size hat, the same size shoes, live in the same climate have the same genetic predispositions, speak the same language? NO! Well then why or why can anyone believe that all people should flourish on the same diet?
I tried vegan, protein, vegetarian, raw, juicing, cooked. And I was serious and followed them for some time and some almost killed me! Bottom line is people are unique and have different dietary needs based on many issues. You can roughly break the human population into 3 categories: carb type, protein type and mixed type dietary needs. Of course a vegan who is healthy on a vegan diet will argue that a vegan diet is the answer to all diet issues and he will argue honestly because it may be true for him but it may not work for someone else. An eskimo will die trying to eat a fruit diet (assuming he could get fruit) and a pacific islander would die trying to live on seal blubber! The key is finding the diet (foods) that are suited to your unique needs.
Stop the dogmatic insanity! People are not cows and they are not apes and they are not cats so need no need to use these comparisons for people foods. Truth is people's digestive systems look like a pigs which implies we are omnivores and can eats lots of different things.
There is a field of study on this. A good, simple easy to understand book is "Metabolic Typing Diet" by Wolcott for maybe $12 on Amazon. It's great for explaining this diet issue and helping you easily get on the right track.
P.S. All you diet dictocrats stop trying to convince people to eat a diet that is not good for them! Do you expect everyone to wear the same shoes you do? Read the book, get on the right path for YOU and eat only real, natural foods!