SARA..Re: Low blood pressure
I have met many many people in my lifetime, and have been privileged to meet some of them.
Most are extremely selfish, whereas the minority can be highly altruistic and humanitarian.
Semantics apart, I do find (respectfully) that you are very sensitive to detail, and fail to observe the larger picture in the way someone portrays their behavior towards you.
This over-sensitivity seems to work against me.
I would like to go on record now, that I have only been interested in your physical and mental welfare: I made this quite clear at the beginning of our mutual relationship.
How I end my posts does not necessarily reflect my innermost feelings towards you or anyone else that have asked for my help and guidance in the recovery of their health.
My intentions have only been honorable and well-meaning.
I do not "debate" with Tony Isaacs, and have never had the need, as we are mostly of one mindset in the approach to our fellow human beings, and in the recovery of their health.
Benevolence is my watchword and motto in everything that I do.
It would be more than considerate of you if you thought carefully about the content of your posts before judging my actions and their motives.
Yours very respectfully.