Re: What happened to Humaworm?
No, Fledgling doesn't know anything more than you do.
And, I am on R.G.'s side because I recognize quality and value when I see them, and I know what it takes to run a small company...far more than the average person can guess.
I have wondered why detractors are coming on this forum to post for the first time on CureZone, and saying negative things about Humaworm, Inc.
It just hit me, these people are coming from the Internet, and are still skeptical.
I am very sorry if Customer Service is not up to their standards at the moment.
I have only contacted Humaworm twice since the July 31st, 2008 fire that wiped them out completely...once to order, and once to ask a question...Can HumaCleanse be taken continuously? - Yes.
Both times I received prompt and excellent service, and I'm sure no one there knew I am a frequent poster here. I doubt they have the time to notice.
These are local people doing their level best to fill some very big shoes, and trying very hard to make no mistakes.
I ask you to read this forum, and use a little will be amply rewarded when you see the quality and effectiveness of the the lowest prices possible.
First-time users of Humaworm don't know what to 'expect'. I was among the most cautious...I began with 1/4 capsule per dose.
After a week at full dose, I felt like an 'expert', I had faced the dreaded 'die-off' and won! If that bit of sleepiness I felt from time to time, was 'fatigue' I could handle it!
Soon into my sixth round, I got a Herxheimer Reaction, about one week ago...not from Humaworm, but because of the extent of my own parasite and toxin loads and what I have been doing overall to reduce them.
I have learned that my body is very protective of my well-being, and takes its own sweet time in detoxing...thank goodness.
R.G. has formulated the most gentle, yet powerful, products.
And, you are not being ripped off.
It took you years to get into your condition.
Get into the rhythm of deworming twice or three times annually, with, at least, the 90-day rest in between...I'm sure you'll like it.
My best,