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Re: What happened to Humaworm? sooo disappointed.. :(
willowwisp Views: 14,401
Published: 16 y
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Re: What happened to Humaworm? sooo disappointed.. :(

Well, I was sort of desperate... I had my gallbladder out 15 years ago (biggest mistake of my life) and since then I have had explosive diarhea 2-10 times a day, everyday of my life, and it has completely ruined my quality of life. I've been to doctors... tried many different things... changes in diets, etc... I had asked my doctor about parasites, and they tested my stool.. and didn't see any. Well, as I said, I was desperate... and I thought, maybe they are missing something. So, I thought I would try an antiparasite. I did some research, and I believed Humaworm to be the best product out there.. (as I've said.. I do believe it is a great product... incredibly fresh.. and effective).

I was on the Humaworm 30 days, as recommended... didn't really see much in the way of parasites. (just a few flukes... some tiny sesame seed looking things.. and a few "corn kernals") but, 3 weeks after stopping the humaworm... my diarhea stopped. I've only had one bout of the diarhea since then.. and that's been 3 months...

I went on to try the colon cleanse, because the stool that I was having was very light/pale colored.. and pencil thin... I figured, if nothing else.. it would help tone my colon...

So, as I've said, overall.. the product is good. I'm not complaining about the product... it's the customer service that I have issues with. ( had major liver pain with the humaworm, and I had massive weight gain- 20+ pounds in a month- with the humacleanse...)

BTW.. if you are having gall bladder problems... if I can make a recommendation to you.. do not have your gallbladder out, until you have at least tried several liver cleanses... some people have their gallbladder out with no problems at all.. but 20-25%, like me... have life long explosive diarhea.... and all other sorts of digestion issues.. so, exhaust every other option first...


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