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Re: What happened to Humaworm? sooo disappointed.. :(
confused2009 Views: 14,025
Published: 16 y
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Re: What happened to Humaworm? sooo disappointed.. :(

How was your bowel movement after the humacleanse? How is it now? I am having gallbladder problems, very low ejection fraction(11%). Did you have stones, biliary dyskensia(this is what I have, along with polyps in the gallbladder and fatty liver), or something else? On top of things, I have mild proctitis(colitis of the rectum) and who knows what else.

After I discovered my gallbladder wasn't working right, I immediately changed my diet. My stools have been softer and thinner, I now worry I may have an intestinal problem. My energy levels are either really high or really low too.

I ordered humaworm, humacleanse, and the liver/gb cleanse.

The only thing I can suggest is EV olive oil and garlic, my gallbladder pain is almost gone. Did you try any liver cleansing products/tinctures? I wish I could help more. Have you tried Dr. Sutter on here, or any of the others? Do you recommend any of the others? I've talked to barefoot MH and Dr. Sutter, considering people that have their own forums here. Both are good at responding and nice.

Thank you for the reply and I wish you well,


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