Acetaminophen + alcohol.
And I have a really candid answer, because we do everything we can to educate because it is vital to give back.
Acetaminophen poisioning.
She broke her ankle. Tib/Fib, clean through. Major repair, metal braces and screws, the woiks. A year later, they started to loosen and the pain grew. She is a singer. Back then, she was on her feet performing 5 hours, 5 nights a week. Carried the show. To alleviate the pain, she took Tylenol PM. She would also have one or two drinks a night.
Alcohol + Acetaminophen = disaster. She became ill very fast. To make a very long set of stories short, she fell into liver failure. Because of her age, doctors were profiling her for all kinds of things, except that. It wasn't until a biopsy revealed the damage, which was essentially, game over. 4 days later she lapsed into a coma. We had barely started to date, so I was not active as a partner hence around a lot to able to observe daily routines to the point of seeing something was going wrong, faster. By the time I did, I put myself into the middle of her world because she was failing very fast.
Will post a followup that looks at the transplant event because it makes for an interesting story to someone.
There is far more to it, but the short of it was Alcohol + Acetaminophen. Tho it was pedestrian amount of alcohol, it made no difference. 1oz or 10oz. The two are deadly. Not that labels would have made much diff, but the labels at the time did not state to not mix it with alcohol. It was a very bad and uneducated choice. At almost the same time, 1992, a former Jimmy Carter speech writer turned to what else, lobbyiest, broke his tib/fib clean through. Similar repair. He and his wife were in the habit of drinking a bottle of wine with dinner. He took Tylenol PM to help with pain, and sleep. Fried his liver in 2 months. He ended up with a liver transplant. He sued the manufacturer of Tylenol and won. Based on the lack of warning labels.
Moral of the story... don't mix anything with anything. For that matter, don't take medications when at all possible. When needed, be educated. Blah blah blah....
There is so much more to it, and we have learned a tremendous amount about, well, too many things to list. So yes, it was abuse, but not in the normal sense of abuse. 1 or two drinks a night is not going to throw anyone into a tailspin if it is done responsibly. Unless there is an underlying condition which in this case there was... Acetaminophen.
And I absolutely do not mind candid questions. I like it.