We agree a lot more than you may think. As we have discussed before, while in an ideal world we would get all the nutrition we need from a health diet, the reality is that most of us live in a far less than ideal world - so much so that well over 90% us will find getting all we need naturally hugely impractical - if not impossible - thing to do. The nutrition we need is simply not there in our foods in today's deficient produce and processed foods.
I agree that the key is living with nature instead of reaching for a magic solution and continuing to live apart from it. Diet and lifestyle are the most important elements of achieving and maintaining good health and NO supplement should ever be substituted for what you can get naturally. Supplements are however beneficial to correct and prevent deficiencies as well as address conditions requiring a faster and stronger resolution than diet and lifestyle alone may offer. Like a good bandage though, they may help get the initial healing on track faster, but there comes a time when it is healthiest to take off the bandage and let nature do the rest of the job.