Re: how will tea affect my water fast?
Hi my friend,
I new that it would be only a matter of time when we “meet” again!
That is what I said: Decades of experience!
I don’t say that I am always right (none of us are) but funny as it is, I am still alive!
Many doctors (many of them specialist in their field) had disagreed with my opinions but on the longer therm I have proved them wrong.
I do respect medical research and lots of findings but I will not believe them “blindly”!
You probably read lots of info about medical field. So do I!
I do not take all what I read as a facts. The truth is another matter!
When we are talking about fasting, it is always good to know, if the person is in normal weight or really ballooned overweight person or sometimes misguided teenager looking for “perfect body”.
My opinions are based on common sense. That is, if one takes another example; you wish to drive your car to a shopping centre a certain distance away. If you don’t have enough fuel to complete the trip you will not drive back.
Of course the human body is more refined than any manmade machine and can function without new fuel for some time, but DO NOT EXPECT MIRACLES!
If we don’t eat too much and consume “poisons” as I would call them, in other words all kind of
preservatives , too much salt and sugar, we wouldn’t need fast at all!
Our body is designed to function continuously providing that we do the right thing in the first place!