Re: Smell Like Skunk
Sugar thing is the hardest part of me, even harder than die-off. So many things have
Sugar in them, and giving up flour/white products too. One thing that has helped a little, when I want to sweeten something, I use a natural sweetner called LoHan. You get it at the health food store. Mine comes in a container with a green label and I think has the word 'fiber' on it also as part of the name. Only has 2 or 3 ingredients in it and I think tastes way better than Stevia or Xylitol. I like Xylitol, but cannot use it in large amounts, as it gives me the runs and stomach problems. I've never had either issue, or any problems from the LoHan.
I'm seriously thinking of going to a hypnotherapist to help me get over my cravings for sugar. I'm been fighting this demon for over 13 years and have been on candida diet known to man. Problem is, trying to stay on a diet consisting of only meats, veggies and some nuts long term is not really feasible and I find to be quite depressing. Makes eating out very hard, etc. This is the one thing I can think of, that I haven't tried, that may help? I've also heard that hypnosis targeted towards healing can someone activate the brain to start healing the body? I'm going to look into it.