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Re: Smell Like Skunk
blues Views: 56,186
Published: 16 y
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Re: Smell Like Skunk

Not sure what is the way to go with the adrenals. Even in dr lam's forum, if you ask a adrenal question, he says that there isn't one answer, and that you need to consult with him to meet your individual needs.

I've tried most adrenal supplements and never felt any improvements from them. Dong quai is supposed to be a hormonal supplement and even zinc affects the hormones. I avoid all hormonal supplements cause they don't seem to balance hormones, just seem to increase them with me. Zinc I was recently taking to see if I have a copper excess problem, but it just ended up increasing my progesterone...I know this from symptoms gotten from previous progesterone cream use. Triphala seems to be working best for me lately in keeping my system more calm and grounded. I have added some molybdenum to help relax. And I will be getting some grapefruit seed extract to help keep my system clean. I take a liver support supplement, cause I think that my liver has problems handling my hormonal volume.

Kelp has been know to contain arsenic, so I avoid it. Don't know if you tried iodine, but when I initially used it, I did smell skunky for maybe a month while it was detoxing bromine and mercury, I assume, out of me. It is definitly something that was missing from my body.



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