Re: Breath cured in a week!! After 5 years!!
Good to hear from you. Im convinced that with the symptoms you have that you will be impressed with GSE. This morning had very slight taste and white coating which improved as i woke and got the saliva flowing (normally saliva has no effect), i actually went for 3 hours or so without brushing etc without any noticable BB reactions from others. Also this morning after irrigating blew a fair sized lump of bright green very thick flem which i have not seen before.
Also got quite strong die off reaction today 30 mins after P&B shake with
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract in it. Got flu like symptoms, runny nose, dizzy, light headed, this lasted for nearly 2 hours. looks like somethings working. I have taken P&B shakes before about a year ago for 4-6 weeks and i remember this helped the dark circles and BB alot but it came back when i stopped taking it. I did not take probiotics after this may be why. Hopfully all the extra things i take now will keep the problem away.
Im at work now, i brushed and tongue scraped before i came with no
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract as im now taking it with my P&B shake. Had no BB reactions, im good at spotting reactions now as i deal directly with customers, i work at a counter and serve about 1 or 2 feet from people. As mentioned before chewing gum does not aggrivate the problem as it used to. Mouth is much more moist.
Dont actually think
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract is covering it now after that lump i blew this morning, think a month or so of irrigation is the key to get the stubborn stuff out.
Something that i did not mention before is my reason for being over run with toxins as im into bodybuilding i have used steroids on and off for around the same time as the BB started (I have now stopped this), also being young and stupid i used to take recreational drugs and drink ecessive amounts of alcohol at the weekends. Think all this put my body out of sync.
Hope it works for you. Good luck!!!!