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Re: nope, CD4+ T-cells are 100% vital to good health
Hveragerthi Views: 4,553
Published: 17 y
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Re: nope, CD4+ T-cells are 100% vital to good health

>can some of you speak in plain terms for us with non medical lingo can understand

Sorry. What some people here are falsely claiming is that if immune cells called CD4 cells are destroyed the immune sytem will collapse allowing the development of oppotunistic infections. What they are unaware of is that the immune system is comprised of numerous compounds and cells that play a role in immunity. And that the immune system has back up systems in place in case one are of the immune system fails, such as the CD4 cells. Therefore, destuction of the CD4 cells will not cause the immune system to collapse, which is why people with low or zero CD4 cell counts can still be otherwise healthy.


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