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Re: HIV is NOT curable, but it can be managed.
_O3_THE_WAR_IS_ON Views: 4,641
Published: 17 y
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Re: HIV is NOT curable, but it can be managed.

A good thought provoking reply.

Let me just state that I am fully aware that HIV is an endogenous retrovirus that integrates its DNA into the germ line cells which then is passed vertically from parent to offspring entwined with our very own DNA.

However think of this - does the HIV DNA encoding itself onto ours really matter? Let me explain:

BTW up to 10% of all human DNA consists of retroviral code from endogenous retroviruses.

A child born to HIV+ parents who luckily does not get any infective virus particles in its body during gestation or during child birth and that tests HIV negative is considered by all doctors of the world of every single government to be ok even though it has HIV DNA somewhere embedded with the childs own DNA. This HIV DNA is doing no harm and is not producing new viruses.

It is the actuall viruses that replicate in our various immune cells that cause the immune cell depletion not the DNA footprint they leave with our own.

Destroy all the virus particles in the whole body and you are effectively cured, yes you will have some HIV DNA as part of yours but it doesn't mean that now new copies of viruses are being manufactured in your immune cells any longer.




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