Again HIV is not the only cause of AIDS. And HIV cannot even cause AIDS under the original definition of AIDS. The definition of AIDS was changed to fit the virus after Robert Gallo lied to the world again by claiming that HIV was the cause of AIDS all because he held the patent rights on the HIV antibody test. HIV cannot cause ANY disease in man, and it cannot collapse the immune system.
Also keep in mind that the HIV antibody tests are notoriously inaccurate. There are over 65 known causes for false positives. The people that have gotten better and tested HIV negative after getting off their AIDS meds never had HIV to begin with. It was the AZT collapsing the immune system that lead to the AIDS symptoms. The AMA calls these cases "spontaneous remissions", but the fact is that these were cases of drug induced AIDS.
I have seen full blown AIDS (a syndrome, not a disease) patients recover very quickly from their symptoms with alternatives such as ozone therapy and herbs, in particular pau d' arco.