Re: Actually, ozone was tested in HIV+ patients
Please anybody reading this thread don't conclude from reading the study in the post above that ozone is of no use.
The study you linked to wouldn't of produced any positive results for ozone because:
1: They used autohemotherapy - There are better methods such as Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation(EBOO). However autohemotherapy may correct a failing antioxidant system(see below).
2: They only treated for 8 weeks - People living with HIV are known to have an unbalanced REDOX(just think antioxidant) system which means chronic oxidative stress for the subject which also corrolates to disease progression. Interestingly this is why some doctors are against ozone as they think its a powerful oxidant and they associate it as being more oxidative stress for the patient. Now it IS oxidative stress but read on.
Autohemotherapy IF given in correct dosages and treatment intervals and applied by a competant ozonotherapist is stated by Bocci* to correct the REDOX system by giving a slight atoxic shock to the organism. IRONICALLY THIS WOULD PROBABLY START TO HAVE AN EFFECT IN 6-8 WEEKS(the time when the trial ended) OR EVEN TAKE MONTHS IN INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE SUFFERING FROM THE TYPE OF CHRONIC OXIDATIVE STRESS ASSOCIATED WITH HIV.
*He has begged for funds for research, again nobody seems to be funding pro-ozone trials(anybody seeing a pattern here).
Here is an example of what was going to be an exellent study being stopped for no reason by the powers that be.
New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Stops a World First U.S. - Egyptian Collaborative Study on Hepatitis C and Blood Ozonation