Or has the Water Fasting support forum been less about support lately and more about arguing with each other? It seems that people want to draw a line and make everything black and white, but it doesn't work that way.
If the only things we could talk about on the forum were the symptoms and effects of water fasting, it would be a very boring and discouraging forum indeed. How can you express personality, or share what you are going through physically, mentally, and spiritually if you're not allowed to talk about anything personal?
The person who had their posts moved was stuck in a dangerous cycle, and got angry if anyone responded with advice other than what they wanted to hear. I have yet to see any other poster come close to that example.
I don't want to start another debate, I only posted here to vent my frustration, and venting is a no-no for the support forum because it's not related to water fasting.